Ham Radio Study Guide

Welcome to our amateur radio study guide. We’ve curated some resources that we’ve found to be great to help you study for your amateur radio license exams. Whether getting your technician license or upgrading your current radio license to general or extra, this page is for you.

If you don’t find what you are looking for below, make sure to stop by discord and ask any club officer for a recommendation.

Dirt Nerds & Radios also partners with HamRadioPrep.com for amateur radio education. Make sure to grab our 10% discount on all of their amateur radio classes (code DNR). This coupon code is valid for all of their courses.

By Topic

Where to test?

When you are consistently scoring an 85% or above, you are likely ready to take the exam. Either Online or in person exam sessions can be found on Ham Study – Find an Exam Session. This is by far the easiest way to locate an exam session that works for you.

Additional Resources